如何在 Debian 中配置 Tripewire IDS

如何在 Debian 中配置 Tripewire IDS

本文是一篇关于 Debian 中安装和配置 tripewire 的文章。它是 Linux 环境下基于主机的入侵检测系统(IDS)。tripwire 的高级功能可以检测并报告任何 Linux 中未授权的(文件和目录)的更改。tripewire 安装之后,会先创建一个基本的数据库,tripewire 监控并检测新文件的创建修改和谁修改了它等等。如果修改是合法的,你可以接受修改并更新 tripwire 的数据库。


tripwire 在 Debian VM 中的安装如下。

# apt-get install tripwire


安装中,tripwire 会有下面的配置提示。


tripwire 需要一个站点口令(site passphrase)来加密 tripwire 的配置文件 tw.cfg 和策略文件 tw.pol。tripewire 使用指定的密码加密两个文件。一个 tripewire 实例必须指定站点口令。

site key1


本地口令用来保护 tripwire 数据库和报告文件。本地密钥用于阻止非授权的 tripewire 数据库修改。

local key1

tripwire 配置路径

tripewire 配置存储在 /etc/tripwire/twcfg.txt。它用于生成加密的配置文件 tw.cfg。

configuration file

tripwire 策略路径

tripwire 在 /etc/tripwire/twpol.txt 中保存策略文件。它用于生成加密的策略文件 tw.pol。

tripwire policy


installed tripewire1

tripwire 配置文件 (twcfg.txt)

tripewire 配置文件(twcfg.txt)细节如下图所示。加密策略文件(tw.pol)、站点密钥(site.key)和本地密钥(hostname-local.key)在后面展示。

ROOT         =/usr/sbin

POLFILE       =/etc/tripwire/tw.pol

DBFILE       =/var/lib/tripwire/$(HOSTNAME).twd

REPORTFILE   =/var/lib/tripwire/report/$(HOSTNAME)-$(DATE).twr

SITEKEYFILE   =/etc/tripwire/site.key

LOCALKEYFILE =/etc/tripwire/$(HOSTNAME)-local.key

EDITOR       =/usr/bin/editor








SMTPHOST     =localhost

SMTPPORT     =25


tripwire 策略配置

在生成基础数据库之前先配置 tripwire 配置。有必要经用一些策略如 /dev、 /proc 、/root/mail 等。详细的 twpol.txt 策略文件如下所示。

@@section GLOBAL
TWBIN = /usr/sbin;
TWETC = /etc/tripwire;
TWVAR = /var/lib/tripwire;

# File System Definitions
@@section FS

# First, some variables to make configuration easier
SEC_CRIT      = $(IgnoreNone)-SHa ; # Critical files that cannot change

SEC_BIN       = $(ReadOnly) ;        # Binaries that should not change

SEC_CONFIG    = $(Dynamic) ;         # Config files that are changed
# infrequently but accessed
# often

SEC_LOG       = $(Growing) ;         # Files that grow, but that
# should never change ownership

SEC_INVARIANT = +tpug ;              # Directories that should never
# change permission or ownership

SIG_LOW       = 33 ;                 # Non-critical files that are of
# minimal security impact

SIG_MED       = 66 ;                 # Non-critical files that are of
# significant security impact

SIG_HI        = 100 ;                # Critical files that are
# significant points of
# vulnerability

# tripwire Binaries
rulename = "tripwire Binaries",
severity = $(SIG_HI)
$(TWBIN)/siggen            -> $(SEC_BIN) ;
$(TWBIN)/tripwire        -> $(SEC_BIN) ;
$(TWBIN)/twadmin        -> $(SEC_BIN) ;
$(TWBIN)/twprint        -> $(SEC_BIN) ;
/boot            -> $(SEC_CRIT) ;
/lib/modules        -> $(SEC_CRIT) ;

rulename = "Boot Scripts",
severity = $(SIG_HI)
/etc/init.d        -> $(SEC_BIN) ;
#/etc/rc.boot        -> $(SEC_BIN) ;
/etc/rcS.d        -> $(SEC_BIN) ;
/etc/rc0.d        -> $(SEC_BIN) ;
/etc/rc1.d        -> $(SEC_BIN) ;
/etc/rc2.d        -> $(SEC_BIN) ;
/etc/rc3.d        -> $(SEC_BIN) ;
/etc/rc4.d        -> $(SEC_BIN) ;
/etc/rc5.d        -> $(SEC_BIN) ;
/etc/rc6.d        -> $(SEC_BIN) ;

rulename = "Root file-system executables",
severity = $(SIG_HI)
/bin            -> $(SEC_BIN) ;
/sbin            -> $(SEC_BIN) ;

# Critical Libraries
rulename = "Root file-system libraries",
severity = $(SIG_HI)
/lib            -> $(SEC_BIN) ;

# Login and Privilege Raising Programs
rulename = "Security Control",
severity = $(SIG_MED)
/etc/passwd        -> $(SEC_CONFIG) ;
/etc/shadow        -> $(SEC_CONFIG) ;
#/var/lock        -> $(SEC_CONFIG) ;
#/var/run        -> $(SEC_CONFIG) ; # daemon PIDs
/var/log        -> $(SEC_CONFIG) ;

# These files change the behavior of the root account
rulename = "Root config files",
severity = 100
/root                -> $(SEC_CRIT) ; # Catch all additions to /root
#/root/mail            -> $(SEC_CONFIG) ;
#/root/Mail            -> $(SEC_CONFIG) ;
/root/.xsession-errors        -> $(SEC_CONFIG) ;
#/root/.xauth            -> $(SEC_CONFIG) ;
#/root/.tcshrc            -> $(SEC_CONFIG) ;
#/root/.sawfish            -> $(SEC_CONFIG) ;
#/root/.pinerc            -> $(SEC_CONFIG) ;
#/root/.mc            -> $(SEC_CONFIG) ;
#/root/.gnome_private        -> $(SEC_CONFIG) ;
#/root/.gnome-desktop        -> $(SEC_CONFIG) ;
#/root/.gnome            -> $(SEC_CONFIG) ;
#/root/.esd_auth            -> $(SEC_CONFIG) ;
#    /root/.elm            -> $(SEC_CONFIG) ;
#/root/.cshrc                -> $(SEC_CONFIG) ;
#/root/.bashrc            -> $(SEC_CONFIG) ;
#/root/.bash_profile        -> $(SEC_CONFIG) ;
#    /root/.bash_logout        -> $(SEC_CONFIG) ;
#/root/.bash_history        -> $(SEC_CONFIG) ;
#/root/.amandahosts        -> $(SEC_CONFIG) ;
#/root/.addressbook.lu        -> $(SEC_CONFIG) ;
#/root/.addressbook        -> $(SEC_CONFIG) ;
#/root/.Xresources        -> $(SEC_CONFIG) ;
#/root/.Xauthority        -> $(SEC_CONFIG) -i ; # Changes Inode number on login
/root/.ICEauthority            -> $(SEC_CONFIG) ;

# Critical devices
rulename = "Devices & Kernel information",
severity = $(SIG_HI),
#/dev        -> $(Device) ;
#/proc        -> $(Device) ;

tripwire 报告

tripwire-check 命令检查 twpol.txt 文件并基于此文件生成 tripwire 报告如下。如果 twpol.txt 中有任何错误,tripwire 不会生成报告。

tripwire report


root@VMdebian:/home/labadmin# tripwire --check

Parsing policy file: /etc/tripwire/tw.pol

*** Processing Unix File System ***

Performing integrity check...

Wrote report file: /var/lib/tripwire/report/VMdebian-20151024-122322.twr

Open Source tripwire(R) Integrity Check Report

Report generated by:         root

Report created on:           Sat Oct 24 12:23:22 2015

Database last updated on:     Never

Report Summary:


Host name:                   VMdebian

Host IP address:   

Host ID:                     None

Policy file used:             /etc/tripwire/tw.pol

Configuration file used:     /etc/tripwire/tw.cfg

Database file used:           /var/lib/tripwire/VMdebian.twd

Command line used:           tripwire --check


Rule Summary:



Section: Unix File System


Rule Name                       Severity Level   Added   Removed Modified

---------                       --------------   -----   ------- --------

Other binaries                 66               0       0       0      

tripwire Binaries               100               0       0       0      

Other libraries                 66               0       0       0      

Root file-system executables   100               0       0       0      

tripwire Data Files             100               0       0       0      

System boot changes             100               0       0       0      


Root file-system libraries     100               0       0       0      


Critical system boot files     100               0       0       0      

Other configuration files       66               0       0       0      


Boot Scripts                   100               0       0       0      

Security Control               66               0       0       0      

Root config files               100               0       0       0      

Invariant Directories           66               0       0       0      

Total objects scanned: 25943

Total violations found: 0

=========================Object Summary:================================


# Section: Unix File System


No violations.

===========================Error Report:=====================================

No Errors


*** End of report ***

Open Source tripwire 2.4 Portions copyright 2000 tripwire, Inc. tripwire is a registered

trademark of tripwire, Inc. This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY;

for details use --version. This is free software which may be redistributed

or modified only under certain conditions; see COPYING for details.

All rights reserved.

Integrity check complete.


本篇中,我们学习安装配置开源入侵检测软件 tripwire。首先生成基础数据库并通过比较检测出任何改动(文件/文件夹)。然而,tripwire 并不是实时监测的 IDS。

via: http://linoxide.com/security/configure-tripwire-ids-debian/

作者:nido 译者:geekpi 校对:wxy

本文由 LCTT 原创编译,Linux中国 荣誉推出